Second Mountain Ministries was created as a reminder for us all to look beyond ourselves to a world in need.

We each have our personal mountains. We get it. Life is happening and it can be consuming. Happy, sad, good, and bad.

But if we lift our eyes, there is a second mountain full of people who need us.

So the question we are asking is…

Where is the need that is beckoning us to respond?

The answer to that question is astounding.

Because the answer is:


To see beyond ourselves and engage in the places of fragmented pieces around us. To be a part of bringing healing and hope where it’s needed most:

To our neighbors and beyond


Second Mountain’s Mission is to support those who are vulnerable, marginalized or disenfranchised in the U.S. and internationally through rescue, relief, restoration, and development.

We accomplish this both by coming alongside other non-profit organizations that are effectively addressing issues related to extreme poverty such as lack of food and water, education, human trafficking—as well as development of our own programs to address needs.

Will you join us?